Unless specified otherwise, text on this blog is copyright © by Christine Young.

I am currently updating my story, Commonwealth of Souls, so it is in draft form and not shown. I will post when I have completed it.

My Belief

"The value of humanity can be found in the way we proceed through life; the way we go or do not go to war; the way we hate or love our neighbor; the way we abuse or cherish our children, and, most importantly, the way we disregard or value nature and all the beautiful creatures sharing this planet with us. Respect and appreciation of nature and of all life itself is the foundation upon which a kind heart stands."

"Happiness is important. When you're happy your soul's thirst for light is quenched. But sadness is also important, as it allows for down time and contemplation, and, without sadness, how could we recognize happiness."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Having A Broken Ankle

On the Saturday morning of September 4th, I was walking with my mother in the park. I twisted my ankle and fell. To make an otherwise long story short it was indeed broken. I was out of work for nearly 7 weeks and that was hell. During this time period I watched the 3rd season of Lark Rise to Candelford, many of my favorite old B&W movies, and the entire 6 seasons of Star Trek Voyager (one right after the other).

I went back to work on October 13th with a walker and a cane, and later, when the walker was starting to be a pain in the ass, I switched to crutches. Yesterday I was told by my orthopedic doctor that I could start putting my full weight on the foot, using only 1 crutch and eventually walking without the crutch. Let me tell you it still hurts like hell. My heel is what hurts the most. It took me nearly 15 painful minutes to get from my desk at work to my car in the parking deck, which usually only takes 3 minutes. I start physical therapy next Thursday. The moral of this unenthusiastic story is watch every step you take!