Unless specified otherwise, text on this blog is copyright © by Christine Young.

I am currently updating my story, Commonwealth of Souls, so it is in draft form and not shown. I will post when I have completed it.

My Belief

"The value of humanity can be found in the way we proceed through life; the way we go or do not go to war; the way we hate or love our neighbor; the way we abuse or cherish our children, and, most importantly, the way we disregard or value nature and all the beautiful creatures sharing this planet with us. Respect and appreciation of nature and of all life itself is the foundation upon which a kind heart stands."

"Happiness is important. When you're happy your soul's thirst for light is quenched. But sadness is also important, as it allows for down time and contemplation, and, without sadness, how could we recognize happiness."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Creative Juices

I have had the most non-productive day. I didn’t even go to church today. I just could not get out of the house. I’ve been so burned out from work for so long that I needed this day to wind down. I’ve been on the computer most of the day. I’ve revisited MySpace and Navworks, wrote two short poems on the spot and found a new friend. I did a little laundry, made a pot of coffee and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and proceeded to pop in my Star Trek Voyager DVD (Season 3). Voyager, and all my other Star Trek DVD’s, I consider my thoroughfare to the past. This road brings me back to Lindenhurst on Long Island and into my old house and the cozy TV room where I would sit and watch all my favorite programs in the evening after a hard-days work with my beloved Benji curled up on the floor close by and my husband next to me on the sofa.

These were my younger days when I had more energy. I worked a full time job and still had the energy to be at choir rehearsal on Tuesday evenings and at karate class Thursdays and Saturdays. There were concerts and caroling at Christmas time, karate seminars and bike riding and the occasional girl's night out with my friends. All this I remember so fondly and vividly as if it happened only yesterday.

But I’ve finished revisiting the old days. I’m on my lap top in the dining room now and this is where I will remain until dinner is ready. I don’t have much else to say other than I have to go back to work tomorrow and all the creative juices that I had mustered up this morning, so vibrant and full of life as they were, have faded into nothingness. This is the nothingness I feel every Sunday evening just knowing I have to go through another week in my alternate universe. The place where creativity does not exist..

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