Unless specified otherwise, text on this blog is copyright © by Christine Young.

I am currently updating my story, Commonwealth of Souls, so it is in draft form and not shown. I will post when I have completed it.

My Belief

"The value of humanity can be found in the way we proceed through life; the way we go or do not go to war; the way we hate or love our neighbor; the way we abuse or cherish our children, and, most importantly, the way we disregard or value nature and all the beautiful creatures sharing this planet with us. Respect and appreciation of nature and of all life itself is the foundation upon which a kind heart stands."

"Happiness is important. When you're happy your soul's thirst for light is quenched. But sadness is also important, as it allows for down time and contemplation, and, without sadness, how could we recognize happiness."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blowing a Gale

March 13, 2010

It’s raining and blowing a gale outside. We were suppose to drive to Mt. Airy today for my mom’s 90th birthday celebration. My sister Eileen and my brother-in-law Gus are there from S. Carolina and my sister, Diane and my brother-in-law Peter and all the kids are going to be there (they live across the street from my mom). Anyway, Diane is making Lasagna. I was so looking forward to this little get-together because it’s not often that my mom has her 3 daughters and sons-in-law in the same room. My goodness there must be winds blowing at 40 mph out there and branches flying across my back lawn. I suppose that trying to drive in this weather and subsequently perishing on I-70 East would make for a lousy birthday present for my mom.

I just put on another pot of coffee and I’m sitting here on my lap top writing. My husband is running around feeding our cats. Polly is very finicky. Each day she has a preference as to what food she’ll eat. Unfortunately, she cannot verbalize this preference, so my husband opens up one can that our other cat Tommie has no problem with, and then finds that Polly won’t eat it. Then he opens another can of the food she didn’t like two days ago and she laps it right up. He’s complaining about the fact that we’re going through cat food like water and it’s starting to cost a lot of money. But he loves his little girls and money is no object.

Last week I told my husband that I thought we should bring Polly to the vet because she’s still too thin and hasn’t been gaining any weight. He thought I was over-reacting, since Polly had just been to the vet less than a month ago and the vet said she was fine. Well, I told him that I didn’t think she was fine and that she needs a blood test to check her thyroid. So he made an appointment and brought her in last Monday. When I got home he told me the vet examined Polly again and that from appearances Polly looked good. Her coat is beautiful. Her eyes are clear. Her ears are good and she didn’t have any lumps or bruises anywhere to speak of. The blood work they could do there at the vet’s office was perfect—no elevated levels of anything. However, the thyroid test had to be sent out to the lab and we’d have to wait for that. I told him “mark my words, there is something going on with that cat.” Sure enough on Wednesday the vet called and Polly has Hyper Thyroid ISM and needs the medication Tapazole, which is the same medication Tommie is on for the same thing. The vet said to him: “tell your wife…good call”. The moral of this story: never second guess the mommy.

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