Unless specified otherwise, text on this blog is copyright © by Christine Young.

I am currently updating my story, Commonwealth of Souls, so it is in draft form and not shown. I will post when I have completed it.

My Belief

"The value of humanity can be found in the way we proceed through life; the way we go or do not go to war; the way we hate or love our neighbor; the way we abuse or cherish our children, and, most importantly, the way we disregard or value nature and all the beautiful creatures sharing this planet with us. Respect and appreciation of nature and of all life itself is the foundation upon which a kind heart stands."

"Happiness is important. When you're happy your soul's thirst for light is quenched. But sadness is also important, as it allows for down time and contemplation, and, without sadness, how could we recognize happiness."

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Husband's Birthday

Today is my husband’s birthday. I was awake at 5:00 am and got up to put Mrs. Smith’s apple pie in the oven. It was so nice of her to prepare it for me since I don’t do pies. Originally I bought it for tonight’s after dinner dessert. But yesterday he told me that he would rather have it with his morning coffee. It’s a special occasion, so that was fine. It’s his birthday and if that’s what he wants, that’s what he gets.

While the pie was in the oven I got the coffee ready and then I cleaned the litter boxes (he usually does that). I was hoping he’d sleep through all this commotion so I could surprise him with everything being ready and all, but he got up. I gave him a happy b-day kiss and told him to go back to bed. But he didn’t. He proceeded with his morning routine of refreshing Tomasina and Pollyanna’s water dishes (our cats) and getting their breakfast ready.

When the pie was done we had to let it sit for 30 minutes. So we sat and had our 1st cup of coffee and watched the spring is almost here sun come up. We talked about the movie we had seen last night, The Hurt Locker. It’s up for an academy award so he wanted to see it before the Oscar ceremony tonight. The Academy Award ceremony is to my husband what the Super Bowl is to my brother-in-law. He’ll watch it from beginning to end. Now tonight should be interesting since he’s not a big fan of Alec Baldwin, and Alec Baldwin is hosting it with Steve Martin. But, he’ll watch it anyway. As for me I like Alec Baldwin. He went to my high school and as my brother-in-law tells it hung around with his younger brother, Jimmy, way back when. I wouldn't know because I was 6 years older than Alec Baldwin and already graduated high school before he even got there. We all grew up in Massapequa on Long Island.

Anyway, getting back to The Hurt Locker. It was good but depressing. It wasn’t the best war movie I’ve seen, but it did make me think of how insane this war is and wonder why we’re even over there fighting. It would be nice if the folks in the Middle East fought their own battles. I have a gut feeling it’s all about the oil anyway. But who am I to say whether the war is wrong or right. What do I really know about anything. I only have my opinion for what it’s worth, and unless my opinion is educated (in this case politically) and informed (following the news reports) it’s worth squat. What I do know is that our soldiers are heroes and I can’t wait for all of them to come home where it’s safe.

The movie my husband really liked this year was Inglorious Bastards. It is certainly a memorable movie. I liked it but was stunned by it as well. I found it very violent and I’m not a big fan of violent movies. I’m more of a science fiction, fantasy, romantic comedy and old black and white movie person. Anyway, he really liked Inglorious Bastards and has seen it 3 or 4 times already. And I can recall the word masterpiece coming out of his mouth when talking about it. I know he’ll be rooting for it to win best picture.

After our apple pie breakfast we took a nice long walk. Then I went to church and hubby stayed home. It’s 2:36 pm now and in one-half our I have to start dinner. I don’t usually cook, but I’m cooking today because it’s a special birthday dinner. Chow Mien. But before I go and do that I have to finish and post this blog entry. I’m going to try to post one every weekend. After all, why have a blog if you’re not going to spend time in there.


  1. OMG!!! Uncle Ray doesn't like Alec Baldwin??? That is SUCH a violation. He's soo funny. Have you guys ever seen "It's Complicated?" I Hope Uncle Ray had a good birthday, and I'm sure he did! It sounds like you guys had a wonderful morning together. Very cute :]!

  2. I know, Uncle Ray doesn't like Alec Baldwin, but he did say he was quite funny with Steve Martin @ the Oscars.
